Korzyści z robienia projektów w Enactus PW
- Mamy kontakt z absolwentami Politechniki Warszawskiej, a część z nich zdecydowała się zostać naszymi mentorami. Dzięki temu zyskaliśmy bazę pomysłów na projekty z różnych branż oraz mentoring osób z doświadczeniem.
- Cykl szkoleń przygotowujących do pracy projektowej poprowadzi Inkubator Innowacyjności Politechniki Warszawskiej, a projekty które przejdą eliminacje po cyklu spotkań, będą miały szansę wziąć udział w Preinkubatorze – prestiżowym programie dla start-upów.
- Jako jednostka z 10-letnim doświadczeniem mamy kontakt z wieloma swoimi alumnami, czyli osobami, które skończyły przygodę w Enactusie i teraz tworzą własne firmy i start-upy. Wielu z nich jest w stanie wesprzeć projekty dotyczące ich branży.
- Tworzysz innowacyjny i ciekawy projekt? Dzięki nam możesz pozyskać na niego finansowanie z Politechniki, a później reprezentować Enactus PW na konkursie krajowym i światowym.
Przykłady naszych projektów
Przedstawiamy kilka z naszych projektów, prezentowanych na konkursach w ostatnich latach.
Capitalize is a finance-learning mobile application. Our purpose is to provide accessible financial education to everyone. Capitalize app offers a range of features, including interactive modules and personalized resources, that make learning about finance engaging and user-friendly in a gamified way.
Our app took second place in the Enacts Poland National Competition – everyone was curious about it. We are currently preparing for the launch and at this time have collected almost 500 emails through our landing page. We are really excited about the interest in our project and we encourage you to join us on this adventure!
For more information visit our website: capitalize.pl and social media
Instagram: capitalize_app
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@capitalize_app
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/capitalize-app/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550268826006
An app for people with cognitive impairments
The project aims to create an affordable and easy-to-use tool for the rehabilitation of cognitive functions, such as receiving, storing and processing information. Additionally, it is designed to cover the process at both ends i.e. create a dedicated part for patients and specialists.
The users of our application are people who have suffered cognitive impairment due to various factors strokes or disease of the circulatory system, diabetics and people after coronavirus infection, struggling with long-term complications.
The creation of the project was supported by neuropsychologists, WUT staff members and companies from the healthcare sector. The first version was released in 2020.
Don’t waste me
The project aimed to educate people, enabling easy access to educational resources. It includes an online shop offering zero-waste-oriented products.
The project became a finalist of the Tesco Food Waste Reduction Challenge, winning a 5 000 PLN grant. Additionally, it is created in cooperation with a diet company, Green Cook, and a nutritionist, Alicja Zalecińska.
The channels for promoting the project were mainly the Tesco campaign and videos on YouTube.Find out more: https://www.facebook.com/dontwasteme
The project provides an online calculator calculating the most profitable energy source for a given household. Taking into account personal data, it provides a user with information on the best way to heat their house and water. Moreover, the calculator states the possible profits of using renewable energy.
The algorithms of the calculator are still being improved.
The project was developed in the Inkubator Innowacyjności PW program.